Olav Natural Health Sciences Pvt.Ltd.

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Naturopathy Clinic/
Certificate or Diploma Courses

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Olav Natural Health Sciences Pvt.Ltd.
is a government registered and
ISO certified company.

Aim of the Olav Natural Health Sciences Pvt.Ltd.

1-To establish, maintain, operate and manage a naturopathy hospital and to carry on the business of providing medical treatment, diagnosis, consultation, therapy and other related services in the field of naturopath and allied sciences.

2-To provide naturopathy treatments to patients through qualified medical practitioners and therapists.

3-To provide consultation services related to naturopathy and allied sciences.

4-To carry out research and development activities in the field of naturopathy and allied sciences.

5-To organize training and educational programs related to naturopathy and allied sciences for medical practitioners and the public.

6-to establish and maintain facilities for patient care, including accommodation, diet and other related services.

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